Accurate Test Fixture Characterization and Deembedding
For measurements of non-connectorized devices, test fixtures, probes or other structures are used to adapt from the coaxial interface of the test setup to the device under test (DUT). For accurate measurements of the DUT, these lead-ins and lead-outs need to be characterized, so that their effects can be mathematically removed, i.e. de-embedded from the measurement results.
This application note provides practical hints to accurately characterize and de-embed these lead-in and lead-out structures with RandS Vector Network Analyzers ZNA, ZNB, ZNBT and ZND. As de-embedding is also essential in other test equipment like oscilloscopes, etc., this guide also describes, how lead-ins and lead-outs can be accurately characterized with a VNA and then exported as an S-Parameter file to be used by other test instruments.
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