Output Power Measurement on Noise Sources
Noise sources used for noise figure and gain measurements are typically controlled by the spectrum analyzer...
This paper describes a new two-phase cooling heat transfer cell based on a submerged vibration-induced...
Smart Sensors: Enabling the intelligent IoT
Engineers working on systems built using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies now have access to a huge...
Energy Harvesting for a Greener Environment
Energy Harvesting (EH) is the process of electronically capturing and accumulating energy from a variety...
The Energy Harvesting Tipping Point for Wireless Sensor Applications
Ever since the first watermills and windmills were used to generate electricity, energy harvesting has...
dB or not dB?
True or false: 30 dBm + 30 dBm = 60 dBm? Why does 1% work out to be -40 dB one time but then 0.1 dB or...
Advanced Probing In DDR3/DDR4 Memory Designs
For reliable and efficient system verification and debug of DDR3/DDR4 memory designs, comprehensive compliance...
LGA80D Evaluation Board User Manual
The LGA80D evaluation board allows the user to test and investigate the performance of the LGA80D non-isolated...
IoT Opportunity Demands New Approach to MCU-based Embedded Designs
Let's face it – the opportunity the IoT market offers is an unprecedented opportunity. The numbers...
Adapteva for base station signal processing
Benchmarking the worlds most FLOPS/Wefficient computer. This whitepaper includes information regarding...
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