Tips and Tricks on How to Verify Control Loop Stability
In a design of a modern switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), the designer has to ensure that the converter...
The wirewound resistor – “the report of my death was an exaggeration”
Like every component, the fabrication technology used in resistor manufacture has changed over time and...
From Prototype to Post Deployment: Linux Decision Points
Developing embedded solutions can be a journey. Not all applications start at the same place in the journey...
Maintaining SiC MOSFET Efficiency and Protection without Compromise
The efficiency and size benefits of SiC devices have been enthusiastically embraced by designers of industrial,...
Parallel & Series Operation
It is much lower cost and causes far fewer problems to use a single power converter correctly rated for...
Any engineer involved with portable or handheld products knows that minimizing power consumption is an...
Verification Methods of Snubber Circuits in Flyback Converters
Beside the common advantages of a flyback converter, it has inherently parasitic components, which typically...
Dual Protocol Transceivers Ease the Design of Industrial Interfaces
This white paper discusses the industry's most commonly used interface standards, RS-232 and RS-485,...
High performance resistors for custom power supplies
The subject of power supplies is potentially very broad and the application of resistors in power supplies...
Implementing Flexible USB Type-C Control Using FPGA Technology
Type-C interfaces bring dramatic benefits to consumers. However, in order to realize this potential designers...
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