Wilkinson Power Divider
The Knowles PDW05758 from DLI is a surface mount, thin film power divider employing a three section Wilkinson...
Ultra-Low Noise Figure, High Gain Amplifier with High Linearity
This White Paper describes different trade-offs, design options, and implementation of a sub 1 dB low...
Tips and Tricks on How to Verify Control Loop Stability
In a design of a modern switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), the designer has to ensure that the converter...
The Energy Harvesting Tipping Point for Wireless Sensor Applications
Ever since the first watermills and windmills were used to generate electricity, energy harvesting has...
Powering Communications in Harsh Environments
The use of power supplies in harsh, remote environments brings with it many fundamental design issues...
Leakage Currents in the Right Perspective
Trade-off between best attenuation effectiveness and minimum leakage current. Network filters (EMC filters)...
Maximize Your Uptime: Reducing Risk of Power Supply Failure
Low-power electrical transients generated within a facility are the primary cause of failure to AC/DC...
Advantages and Challenges of Third-Overtone IC Crystals
ICs with on-board oscillators requiring low frequency fundamental crystals are commonplace but now IC...
Loop Gain Digital Redesign
Two methods can be used to re-design loop-gain digitally for the power supply converters: digital redesign...
Verification Methods of Snubber Circuits in Flyback Converters
Beside the common advantages of a flyback converter, it has inherently parasitic components, which typically...
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